You asked for a party, we give you King Hiss

You asked for a party, we give you King Hiss

We promised Scud rockets & splinter bombs: here’s for you the one and only King Hiss! This line up is gettin’ pretty swollen, isn’t it? We promised Scud Rockets & Splinter bombs; here’s for you the one and only King Hiss! This line up...
It’s time for some thrash

It’s time for some thrash

Does Headbanger’s Balls Fest support their locals? Guilty! Do we like some good thrash now and then? Guilty again! Did we program the best in its genre? Guilty as Charged!  
Some stoner and doom on Headbanger’s Balls Fest

Some stoner and doom on Headbanger’s Balls Fest

We do like some variation here at the Headbanger’s Balls Fest office, so this week we open a can of heavy stoner and doom. Balls will bang with following bands: Next year on every big stage around the world, but first on ours, presenting their new album: Fire...
A new name for Headbanger’s Balls Fest, part 2

A new name for Headbanger’s Balls Fest, part 2

This week we’ll give you some energy. The all destroying energy of the Antwerp sweethearts Off the Cross. This up and coming band will let De Leest shake on its foundations. Come out and join us in the biggest pit ever seen in Izegem!